Sunday, December 6, 2009

Breaking the Ice

The temperatures dropped to below freezing after midnight on Saturday, December 5th. There was frost on the ground in the morning and DeWalt's (our dog's) water pail had frozen over. The cattles' water troughs out on the pastures had iced over as well, so the cattle couldn't drink. Here's a picture of the water trough on our east pasture.
Here's a close up view of the float, frozen like a popsicle.
I had to break the ice sheets with a sledge hammer.
Some of the sheets were thin like the ones below, while others were thick.

This one (below), was 7/8" thick -- almost the width of the strap on my wristwatch.


  1. The sheets of ice are amazing. Has that happened often?

  2. Hi Elissa,
    Just noticed your comment today. Happy New Year! The water troughs icing over has happened twice now, the second time being on Christmas Day.
