One of the best features of our home is the fireplace insert that Jim and Lori had installed when they built the house, which keeps the inside warm and toasty (and the electricity bill low). It's like having a woodstove. Two weeks ago, Jim advised me to buy firewood for the winter, adding that I get my wood soon, because when the first cold spell hits, seasoned wood sells out quick.
On the way to and from town, there are a couple of places that sell firewood, but I figured they would never run out. Each has prominent "For Sale" signs, but after passing them several times, I eventually got used to seeing them so much, I didn't "notice" them anymore. I'm glad one place caught my eye again yesterday, and I called to reserve half a cord. They only had one cord left of the seasoned firewood. I picked up our wood today, in my trusty Nissan Frontier.
I had to make two trips (6 miles each) since the bed of the Frontier Crew Cab is short. This is what the first load looked like.

And this is what it looked like, stacked on our rack. Not enough to last the winter.This is the second load -- notice the cuts of wood are bigger.
And this is what both loads looked like after I was done stacking the wood. That rack looks nice when it's got wood!
I need to get another full cord so we'll have wood all winter. That's the equivalent of two more of these racks. I've got my name down at a firewood place in the next town, Alba.
I am learning that on the farm, one is always anticipating -- preparing -- for something. That's the way it is in the city, too -- a lack of preparation can cause great discomfort, disappointment from lost opportunities and income, or a great disaster. Sometimes we intend to get ready, we just procrastinate and run out of time. Like I did, and almost didn't get any seasoned wood.
It's interesting how many of us don't prepare for eternity -- even those of us who know and value the importance of preparing. God extends a loving hand to us in the things we see or experience each day -- it's like he's putting out firewood with a big "Free" sign on the side of the road. We pass by and ignore God when He motions us to himself throughout our lives, and eventually, we don't notice Him and his "I Love You" signs anymore.
A lot of people think we should love God so we'll go to heaven when we die. Heaven is a nice benefit. But we should love God because He first loved us.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him (Jesus) might be saved. "
Y'all gettin' ready, Pardner?
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